- Format: ISO
- Sata / Raid / SCSI
- Online Update: there
- Optimization: At the very least, let you do this if you want
- Hardware Requirements: Celeron 2.2 or higher; 512MB RAM or more 3GB or more hard drive, VGA or higher 64mb.
- The components are integrated by default: IE8, WMP11, some themes and wallpaper, some pointers chuot.Tat all there is to it.
- IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
- Indexing Service
- Mouse Cursors
- Music Samples
- Search Assistant
- Tour
- MSN Explorer
- Peer-to-Peer
- Internet Games
- Pinball
- Burn CDs at 4x speed, 8x; Beware of the risk of burning.
- Before you see the scene:
Please to Win disc in my CD, see then can draw out from this disc.
- During installation, namely just before minute 39, a driver interface options to integrate out
1. Silahkan Komen Yang Sopan Ya Gan..
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4. Mohon Maaf untuk ketidak nyamanan Sobat sekalian, untuk Applikasi banyak yang MT. Karena waktu yang terbatas untuk merepair semua Data.
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